+ Is it true that playing piano is a Brain Booster?

Absolutely! Making music grows a stronger brain! Breakthroughs in neuroscience show that playing piano increases communication between left and right hemispheres, develops and strengthens neural pathways, improves memory, motor and verbal functions, and decreases depression, fatigue and anxiety. A fabulous aid for enhancing academic studies. A virtual multi-vitamin for the brain!

+ How can creativity improve business endeavors and relationships?

Quite remarkably, in a host of ways. Developing innate musicianship and expanding creativity enhances the ability to problem solve and think outside the box. Making music provides joy, stress relief and a communal outlet for connecting with others. Being musically self-expressed increases confidence and makes for a happier and more satisfied individual.

Interesting factoid: A CEO of a multi-national company said that he only hires computer programmers who are also musicians. Why? Because of their unique ability to see form, patterns, details as well as overview, and adapt quickly to alternate possibilities and outcomes. All music-related skills!

+ How long will it take to actually play songs with Simply Music?

Quite simply, you begin playing music right away – within the first 5 minutes. Yes, 5 minutes! You’ll start with simple but beautiful improvisations over a gorgeous, professionally-produced soundtrack that you’ll play right from your computer, tablet or smartphone. And immediately thereafter, you’ll begin building a repertoire of songs. It's immediate! Many, many of our students who start today will be playing songs by tomorrow.

+ What about practice?

It’s easy! With Simply Music, if you practice regularly for a small amount of time you’ll see results. We’ve found that the ideal practice routine is about 15-20 minutes daily, 4-5 days per week. Naturally, if you’re able to practice more often, then we guarantee even more fantastic results!

+ We’ve tried lessons before and quit. How is Simply Music different?

Did you know traditional piano lessons have one of the highest failure rates of any taught subject?

Simply Music is unlike any other piano program available because we start with playing — not with reading. No arduous scales and exercises. No tedious drills and theory. Our ‘play first, read later’ approach is just like learning a native language — ‘talk first, read and spell later’ — giving students immediate access to their innate musicianship and the experience of playing. Even if you’ve previously played for years and then quit, you’ll be surprised — maybe even shocked, by what you can do.
Playing the piano doesn't require any special talent. It's not just for some people. It’s not hard to learn, and it doesn’t take a long time. It's for all people… (including you!).

+ Should I buy a piano or electric keyboard?

All students need some type of instrument at home for daily practice. While an acoustic piano is preferable for sound quality, and to build strength and dexterity, it is not mandatory that students have a real piano in order to learn.