Students don’t come to learn piano, they come to PLAY! Piano.


Play a Story

PLAY! Piano loves Play a Story

What would the music sound like if it was the wind in the forest, or a shell tossed around the ocean?

Using the pure imagination of children aged 5 to 7, Play a Story teaches students to play freely and with feeling. Traveling through a storybook world, students learn to listen, feel, and literally ‘play the story’ across the whole piano while it is being read to them. Since creativity and improvisation are often ignored in traditional piano lessons, this is a huge and wonderful opportunity for children to embrace music from the perfectly magical place that is their true self-expression: the authentic art of being themselves! 




Simply Music - Kids

Help your kids ages 7 & up PLAY! the joy in their hearts.

If you knew there was a piano program designed to lift your child’s emotional state, develop his or her innate musicianship, increase grades, expand natural creativity, multiply the ability to problem solve, and sky-rocket the chances of connecting with new friends, would you rush to sign up?

Let’s get started! 


Simply Music - Adults

Nourish your brain, de-stress and PLAY! your heart out.

Always had a dream of playing piano? Played as a child and want to reconnect with your inner musician? It’s never too late to PLAY! what’s inside of you. Sharpen your mind, unleash your passion and get down with the joy of expressing a huge repertoire of great music.

Let’s get started!

In a fraction of the time of traditional piano studies, PLAY! Piano Studios will have your fingers unfolding with the quantity, quality, speed, ease and grace of playing beautiful music ...

Simply Music. Immediately.

You’ll be astounded by what you can do. Won’t you come PLAY! with us?